I LOVE the feeling of a clean and tidy house. It calms me, and makes me feel like I can actually relax without guilt.
But my confession…I’m not very tidy.
I want to be.
But life happens.
If you have kids…you know the constant tornado that follows you everywhere. You know that the minute you get the broom out, you have someone who wants to “help.” Or kids who forget where the dishwasher is…Or maybe you don’t have kids…but you are so busy that cleaning is one of the last things on your to do list…I could go on…
Over the course of many weekends and breaks from work, I find myself cleaning out closets, or organizing drawers…all things that will probably last a week at best.
So, what’s a girl to do…what can I do to make it look like I’m an organized and tidy person?
I’ve done my research and am looking to try the following things. So if you are like me, and just can’t keep up with your house…it’s ok! I am just taking small steps to get somewhere. We got this!
Things I try to keep in mind:
Tidy people do not store things on the floor. Think: boxes, bags, shoes, blankets, toys (I’m thinking of my entryway!) Instead, they use baskets, shelves, or hooks on walls to hang and store things.
Tidy people are in a constant state of tidying. This sounds like a daunting task for those of us who aren’t “tidy.” But I tried it…and it works. Set a timer for 5 minutes to “tidy.” Pick up toys, pick up clothes off your floor, load the dishwasher. I realized, a dirty kichen gives me anxiety. So, I don’t go to bed with a dirty sink of dishes anymore. And I wake up SO much happier.
If I am short on time, or tired…I try to put dishes away, clean off my counter, or at least just make some piles so it “looks” cleaned off.
Make your bed everyday, and you will always feel like you accomplished something. Something I also tried…and I love the feeling! My room just always feels so much cleaner when it’s made…even when it’s not!
Be okay with the 80/20 rule. Which basically means don’t get caught up in the tiny things like sweeping or dusting every day. Be happy with 80% of the cleaning you typically do. If it still bothers you, maybe include those into a deep cleaning day.
Try to do one load of laundry a day. This one is something I struggle with…mainly because if I leave our clothes in the washer too long, they smell. And then I end up rewashing them. So… I only start laundry if I have time to fold it and put it away. Tip: if you fold your clothes in piles by person, or even better by each persons (shirts, jeans, undergarments, etc.) you are more likely to put them away right away! (Ok…it works!)
Never leave a room empty-handed. I usually keep a basket on my stairs going both to the basement and upstairs. Anything that needs to go down or up goes in those baskets. When I get the time to go down, I carry the basket to put things away.
Make a place for everything. When everything has a place, you are more likely to actually put it away. For example, small appliances we use often…(think: toaster and air fryer) would sit on our counter for days until I finally went to put them away. The problem…I was putting them in a place that they didn’t really fit. When I took time to make space for them…guess what…they actually got put away. This is the same for your clothes, coats, shoes, vacuum, etc. If it doesn’t have a place…consider getting rid of it or something else.
These might be obvious things for some, but for me, reminding myself of these things helps make life a little easier when we are home. So for those of you who “dream” of being that tidy person, try to incorporate a few of these tips…it will make you feel happier! I promise.
Comment below with how these worked for you! And I want to know your favorite tips, or things we could try!!