As a new year approaches, there is so much excitement for a new year. Kindergarten is usually a child’s first “full-time” school experience–which can cause a wave of emotions for both a child and their parents or guardians.
It is so crazy to think that these kiddos come into our classrooms as ‘babies,’ but families, please be prepared, they will walk out as little humans ready to take on the world! (or…at least first grade!)
Here are a few things we want you to know:
We are nervous to meet you, too! We want to make a great first impression. First and foremost so your child feels safe and comfortable walking in their first day, but also towards you so that you also feel reassured that your child will be cared for and loved.
They really will be okay. We all know that our kids act differently when we (parents) are around. And about 98% of the time, once you leave they are totally content and ready to explore and learn. (Even if you aren’t!)
We care about your child’s success–academically but also emotionally. Of course, we want your child to find success with reading, math, and writing, but what we really care about is how they interact in their little social world. It’s all so new to them, and of course, it’s our job to ensure they have the tools to make those good decisions.
It’s not always about being the smartest. So many families worry when their child might be struggling. It’s important to remember learning is a process, and not all kids take the same road to get there. And it might take more than a few days or weeks for them to get there. THAT is OK. Think about it this way–do you prefer to work with someone who doesn’t have to put forth as much effort to achieve the same success as you? Who is naturally brilliant, but has no sense of “people skills?” Or someone who has a good work ethic, a genuine personality, but might have to work to earn their knowledge and expertise to achieve success? I know which one I pick. And I know which one I am.
We know you and your child have a life outside of school. As a Kindergarten teacher, I understand you are busy at home. Whether it is with your other children, sports, music, work, playdates, housework, or whatever it is–life is stressful. I don’t send homework. All I expect as that you get some quality time with your child. And if you must find something academic to do…read every night!
We really do care so much for your child. We think about your kid at night when we go home to our families. We hope we can find a way to reach them. We hope they discover a love for learning. We hope they are making friends. We hope we are enough for them. We hope this year is all they hoped for.
I will believe half of what your child tells me about you– if you do the same! This is meant to be a joke, but I still always start my year off by saying it to my families…because we know Kindergarteners love to tell stories. And, let’s be honest it’s really is sometimes tough to figure out what is actually true!
When your child is with me, I promise to care for them like they are my own. As a parent, you worry about your child when they aren’t with you. And how could a teacher who teaches 20 kids, possibly keep my child in the forefront of their mind? I assure you, all students’ needs are different, but I do my best to get to know them to discover what their needs are. We teachers try to build a relationship with each child–finding out their interests, what motivates them, and of course what makes them giggle and laugh! As a parent now, I have gained so much more understanding with this than in my first years of teaching, and really make it my priority.
They really will learn SO much. You can expect your child to walk out of Kindergarten with so many new skills and a new sense of confidence. The end of the year is always mind-blowing for me to see how far they have come. Most kids come in knowing a few letters, and come out reading books! But, it’s not just the academic skills that will shine through…we promise, you will be impressed!
So, bring on the school year, we are so ready to watch your child grow!
Your (Kindergarten) Teacher